Medicaid Applications

Whether it’s care at home (Community Medicaid) or Chronic Care (Nursing Home) Medicaid, we can help. The Medicaid process is complicated and time-consuming. We help sort out myth from fact, reduce your stress with good information, and help simplify the process. From application to acceptance, we are with you the whole way.

We can help navigate the Medicaid process whether you are applying for Community Medicaid (Home) or Chronic Care Medicaid (Nursing Home).

We work with Elder Law Attorneys for more complex cases and refer to them when planning is necessary.

As social workers, we can help with placement and other issues that families are faced with.

Medicaid Advocacy

After the Medicaid Application is approved, getting the home care hours necessary for your optimal quality of life is the next, and most important step.  AMR Care Group can help advocate for the hours you need.  We are familiar with the evaluations process and can help provide the pertinent information to the nurse evaluator, providing a much smoother experience for you.  Whether or not we help with the Medicaid Application, we can help with obtaining the home care hours.  We’re on your side.

Have questions?

Your AMR Care team is on call 24/7 to answer your questions and work with you to design a customized plan of care that is right for you.